Bad Ass Uncle Sam

(Photo: Uncle Louie wants you to speak your fuckin’ mind. | Lorie Shaull | CC)
The Quarter Rat wants to offer a wider range of voices to our opinion page. We do not want a one sided editorial page. There is too much of that in media. Let’s hear both sides. I see myself as a libertarian. (Which of course to Progressives, that’s the same as being a Nazi.) The Quarter Rat would welcome diversity in opinions on this page. If you are interested in writing an op-ed for please contact the publisher: dave at

The French Quarter has a staple of conservatism in Michael DiBari. For years he and his cart could be found in front of the Federal Court House on Royal Street, and now he and his YouTube channel are located down by the French Market. Check out his videos and interviews on his YouTube channel, or swing by in person.

Bad Ass Uncle Sam down at the French Market.